Where is BDS Tire Recycling, Inc. located?

We are located at 2 Ray Sennett Drive in Fairfield, Maine. However, GPS does not yet recognize this location. Please use 16 Industrial Rd., Fairfield, Maine, when trying to find our location.

What areas does BDS Tire Recycling, Inc. cover?

We cover all of New England. We also have a sister company in Massachusetts: FBS Tire Recycling, Inc.

Does BDS Tire Recycling, Inc. take excavator or Bobcat tracks?

We do not accept excavator or Bobcat tracks because we cannot process them. Contact your local waste disposal company to dispose of these items.

Does BDS Tire Recycling, Inc. take oversized tires and tires with rims?

We accept both oversized tires and tires with rims. Call us for pricing, or contact us here for an estimate.

What is the minimum amount of tires before a pickup is scheduled?

In general, we have a 50-tire minimum before a pick-up is scheduled.

Request A Pick Up

Type of Pick Up
Service Address(Required)

Are you a licensed facility?

Yes, BDS Tire Recyling, Inc. owns and operates a Maine Department of Environmental Protection licensed/permitted tire processing facility located in Fairfield, Maine.

Does BDS Tire Recycling, Inc., charge to pick up tires?

Yes, we charge to pick up tires. The amount charged depends on how many tires you have, the tire size, your location, and the frequency of collection. Please call the office to get pricing or request a quote online.

Get a Quote

How long does it take to schedule a tire pick-up?

The time to schedule a tire pick-up varies with the time of year, location, and number of tires. Busy seasons, such as late fall/early winter or spring, could result in delays in tire pick-up for new customers.

Can I drop off my tires at your location?

Yes, but there is a 3-ton minimum for a drop-off at the site, which is approximately 240 passenger vehicle tires. Please call the office at least 24 hours before your planned delivery to the site to set up customer information for our scale and billing software. Please be sure the tires are free from dirt and debris. Tires not meeting these criteria can be refused.

Why am I being charged more than other businesses in my area?

There are a variety of factors that determine pricing, including whether or not you are a long-time customer, or a new customer, your location, frequency of pick-up, and volume of tires.

I just saw your truck in town. Can they stop in and pick up my tires too?

Unfortunately, our trucks are usually on a specific route when you see them. Please either contact our office at (207) 278-3833 or fill out an online inquiry to see if we can pick up your tires the next time we are in the area.

Contact Us

Do you rent dumpsters or containers?

No, not at this time.

What do you do with the tires you collect? Are they recycled?

All tires are completely recycled. Tires are shredded for Tire Derived Fuel (TDF) and Crumb Rubber. The tire wire is also extricated and recycled.

Do you dispose or recycle any other items?

We are a tire recycling facility. We do not accept any other items.

How can I pay for the disposal of my tires?

We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. You can pay on our website by credit card.